Upper School
Specialist teaching combines with the best mix of traditional and innovative methods to ensure pupils increase their levels of independence and responsibility and are carefully and thoroughly prepared for their 11+ entrance examinations.
Anticipating the demands pupils will face in secondary school, problem solving, reasoning skills, revision aids and developing efficient use of study time are prioritised to ensure that Ruckleigh pupils have an assured examination technique and the maturity required to thrive when they move onto the school of their choice. Active participation activities such as debates, a school production and a road safety course provide greater breadth and develop confidence and motivation.
Added responsibilities are given to Year Six pupils in the form of elected school prefects and heads of the two school houses as well as the prestigious appointment of a Head Boy and Girl. All Year Six pupils participate in a residential and life-enriching activity course for a week where a range of challenges help children to think independently and become more self-empowered.